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Erasmus RSM MBA Essay Tips

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Erasmus MBA Essay Tips 2024-2025


At Rotterdam School of Management our mission statement says that, as an institution, we will be a force for positive change in the world. This mission, which is based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals put forth by the United Nations General Assembly, drives our thinking and approach to education, business and the world around us. The mission also guides our admissions process, as we look for academically excellent candidates who also share our belief that we can all make a difference in the world. Keeping this thought in mind, please answer ONE of the following questions:

Option 1: Share how you’ve already been a force for positive change in your world. Your example can be large or small, global or local, but must highlight the positive impact you’ve had through your efforts. Tell us your story. (500 words)

Option 2: Discuss how the RSM MBA will prepare you to become a force for positive change, either in your personal or professional life. (500 words)

Essay Tips

RSM, one of the best business schools in Europe, seeks to admit students that are not only smart and accomplished but who will become future leaders, make a significant impact in society and make the business school proud.

Among most leadership qualities, the desire to make an impact is one of the top ones. If you are such a leader, then it is very likely that you would have already made a positive impact or would have a strong vision to make such after your MBA.

You can choose either of the MBA essay options and pick work or non-work-related stories - but the critical aspect is the scope and nature of the impact. While RSM encourages you to share examples of even small impacts - you must be mindful of including only a story where you have made a significant impact. This is also important for the reason because you are competing with many accomplished individuals who would have done great things - so yours shouldn't feel trivial in comparison.

If you are planning to write about future impact - then make sure your plans are visionary and clear and you give enough details so the RSM admissions team can believe your plans. Write with heart and sincerity and you'll surely impress the admission committee.

Go for it!

Optional Essay

Please feel free to supply any additional information that you believe would be helpful to the Admissions Committee in making the final decision on your application.

Optional Essay Tips

Do not submit your optional essay as an addendum to any of the other essays. Do not submit your optional essay because you feel the quality of your earlier essays is improvable – in which case you should redouble your efforts in the earlier essay.

You can use this essay to explain shortfalls in your application that you feel are truly detrimental to your candidature. Areas of underperformance (academic or professional or GMAT) or application issues can be commented on if you have an explanation that is intelligent, interesting, and credible.

You can also write an optional essay to describe at length a piece of extraordinarily positive information that could not be accommodated in the other essay.

In case you find any of the above applies, note down the options and then consider again if the optional essay is a strong constructive addition to your candidacy. If yes, then start working on it!

Erasmus MBA Resume

Erasmus MBA application requires you to submit a one-page resume along with details about your employment and academics. The typical MBA resume format consists of employment, education, and extracurricular details. MBA resume tips

Erasmus MBA Letters of Recommendation

In your Erasmus application, you will be asked to provide two MBA letters of recommendations - from you current or previous supervisors. MBA LOR tips

Erasmus MBA Interview

As is the policy with most top business schools, Erasmus MBA interviews are conducted only by invitation. Students typically would recieve an invite 4-6 weeks after submitting their MBA applications. MBA interview tips

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